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Unlock the future

For children with early onset* metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD)

LENMELDY is the first and only disease-modifying treatment proven to extend life expectancy in children with PSLI and lessen the cognitive and/or physical impact of early onset* MLD

Actor portrayal. MLD is a recessive inherited disease.
*See full indication.

Actor portrayal. MLD is a recessive inherited disease.

Unlock the future

For children with early onset* metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD)

LENMELDY is the first and only disease-modifying treatment proven to extend life expectancy in children with PSLI and lessen the cognitive and/or physical impact of early onset* MLD

*See full indication.

Learn about a one-of-a-kind gene therapy for early onset* MLD

Hear a father talk about his daughter’s experience with LENMELDY

*See full indication.

LENMELDY significantly reduced the risk of severe motor impairment, such as inability to walk or sit without support, or death in patients with pre-symptomatic late infantile (PSLI) MLD

Diagnosis may be missed or delayed. Watching for warning signs of MLD is crucial.

Suspect MLD in your child?

Hear a father talk about how MLD has affected his daughter



LENMELDY is a one-time gene therapy developed to treat children with pre-symptomatic late infantile, pre-symptomatic early juvenile and early symptomatic early juvenile, referred to as early-onset, metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD). MLD is caused by a defect in the arylsulfatase A (ARSA) gene, which causes the body to produce reduced or no ARSA enzyme. LENMELDY is made specifically for each child, using the child’s own blood stem cells, and adding functional copies of the ARSA gene to their cells. This may allow you to produce sufficient ARSA enzyme to stop or slow the progression of MLD symptoms.
